Friday 25 October 2013


Assalamualaikum.. :)
Hello, everyone

Okay, today we are going to share some info about world poverty. Nowadays, as we can see every country has poor people and every country has different ways of dealing with the poor even we are in the high technologies era. What are some of the reasons for poverty? What can we do to help the poor?  

Every problem will have some reasons, same goes to poverty problems. So, let’s check it out what are the reasons.

boy in developing country

1. Overpopulation
The situation of having a large numbers of people with the lack of resources and space is closely associated to poverty. The high birth rates contribute to overpopulation in many countries. For example, Bangladesh have a very high numbers people are engage in low productivity manual farming, which contributes to high level poverty. Unlike sub- Saharan Africa which have less of number of population, they are practising manual subsistence farming, have infertile land and lack of economic resources and technology to boost productivity.

2. Inadequate Education and Employment
Illiteracy and lack of education are common in poor countries. Without education, most people cannot find job to generate their income. Poor people also always forego schooling in order to concentrate on making a minimal living, people may see little reason to go to school since the developing countries also are tend to have few employment opportunities. Millions working- aged people cannot find work and earn an adequate income. Other people may not be able to find enough work or may earn wages too tow to support themselves.

3. High Standards of Living and Costs of Living
In some areas, even people with jobs that pay the legal minimum wage may not be able to cover their basic expenses and to buy enough food to nourish themselves. Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and often sick. This makes them increasingly less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier. This downward spiral often continues until death for them and their families. The people who cannot find or maintain well- paying jobs often have no spare income for discretionary or emergency expenses, and many rely on government welfare payments to survive.

4. Corruption

Corruption is a major cause and a result of poverty around the world. Corruption affects the poorest the most, in rich or poor nations, though all elements of society are affected in some way as corruption undermines political development, democracy, economic development, the environment, people’s health and more. At a national level, people’s effective participation and representation in society can be undermined by corruption, while at local levels, corruption can make day to day lives more painful for all affected.

When there are problems, there must be solutions to overcome the problems and the poor can support their families to live in good conditions.

1. Family Planning
People tend to limit the number of children they have because of the availability of this support. Cultural norms in these countries also tend to affirm the ideal of small family size.

2. Programs
There are effective programs to break this spiral where the adults are paid with food to build schools, dig wells, make roads and so on. This both nourishes them and builds infrastructure to end the poverty. For children, there are “food for education” programs where the children are provided with food when they attend school. Their education will help them to escape from hunger and global poverty. 

3. Give a Hand 

Give them the basic education, clean water and sanitation, reproductive health for women, and basic health and nutrition decrease the poverty. Besides that, give an opportunity for them to do small loans to establish a small variety stall and purchase land to use for farming.

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