Saturday 26 October 2013


Assalamualaikum and hello to all...

Impoliteness or rudeness can be defined as a display of disrespect by not complying with the social laws or etiquette of a group or culture. Today, the troubling trends of manners among the youth are really pathetic because they are being so rude and impolite. Where are the manners gone? What are the factors of they are being impolite?

Here we are going to list and explain a little on the factors contributing to this problem.

1. Bad Parenting

      Parents are the closest example for the children to learn on new things since the learning is first come from home. Every attitudes and manners that parents shows at home will be observed by their children and the children will follow their leads.

   2. Technology

      In this era of high technology device, kids are so attached to their gadgets that they get “carpel tunnel” rather than learn on social skills. Handphones and digital communications in general have completely changed the way people interact between each other. Kids are not learning to interact in the reality world since they have less human talk time and limit face-to-face time. In addition, the internet and cell phones have let all impolite evils infiltrate the once polite and isolated culture.

      3. Friends and Surrounding

Youths are like fluid in a container, they are very influence by their friends and surrounding. Even they had been taught to be a polite person at home, but when they are live far from family like live in hostel, they are getting to know and be friend with new person who is naughty and have worst manners then the youth will become an impolite person. Parents must pay more attention and get to know with who their children be friends.
      4. Awareness

Do you ever hear the quote says that our tongue is sharper than a knife? So we must be aware and think before talk because sometimes our words might hurt other people. Sometimes we realize it immediately, sometimes we don’t and sometimes we never do. Lack of awareness of the meaning of impoliteness and lack of empathy combined often become the reason of impoliteness among youths.

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