Monday 30 September 2013

About Nazhy Laikha

Assalamulaikum and Hello to all readers JJJ
Hope you will enjoy our story......


My precious life started when I first opened my eyes to see this beautiful world on 9th August 1992 at Hospital Kuala Lumpur. My parents gave me the best name ever that suits me until now, Nazhyatul Najwa Bt. Ahmad Zaini.

           I had grown up with my family at Alor Setar, Kedah. My family is not very loaded, in fact, we live a simple life that never lack of any necessity. I have 5 siblings and I am the eldest. I have a sister and three brothers. As the eldest child, they call me Along and my friends call me Wawa because it’s short and easy to remember.

          During my Diploma in Chemical Engineering Technology of Polymer at MICET, the first day when I went to my class I set in my mind that I should struggle hard enough to succeed and maintain my study momentum. So, why do I want to take chemical engineering as my course? It is simple the reason because I love chemical! Since in form four, I always wanted to take course that related to chemical. Well, how high I achieve in my examination is not everything. For me, academic and personality building must go along together. Thus, I joined several activities during my diploma. At MICET during diploma, I had joined the SRM club, GPMS club and URC club. When I joined this club it consequently increased my level of confidence when confront to people. Every evening I'm also active in playing badminton, basketball and futsal to release my stress after a full schedule study for the whole day. I represent my self as a rainbow. This is because I like to cheer up peoples around me.

First of all, I would like to introduce myself and my name is Siti Zulaikha binti Abu Bakar. As a part of 3-members family and the eldest among us, I have always been taught to be a kind-hearted person, optimistic, responsible, honest and determinant in every good effort I do. I was born on 18th September 1992 in Hospital Kajang, Selangor. Being born as the eldest daughter, my parent always put a great hope upon me to fulfill my responsibility as a human-kind which is to succeed in this world and in the eternal life as well.

         My family is not classified as rich but we lived simply and happily without any lack in life necessity. When looking deeply into their hard work, I feel touched by their attitudes and sacrifices in order to see me success in study and future. Furthermore, I have two younger sisters who are still studying. I pursue my study in Diploma in Chemical Engineering and Technology (Polymer) at University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering Technology. When first time I steps into UniKL MICET, I have put a passion deep in my heart to success in my study. 

Despite of those brilliant achievements in my study, I had never forgotten to focus and join in co-curricular activities. For me, by joining all those activities would cultivate my personal building like self confidence, positive thinking and many other good values that I could not retrieve from academics lessons. Every evening I will spend my time by playing basketball, futsal or jogging to release tension after a whole day of class and to keep body stamina plus to maintain my body look slim like always.wahaha :) Besides that, I also like join outdoor activities like hiking, camping and kayaking. Since I am slim and tall, thus nouns that suit to represent myself is coconut tree.


          UniKL MICET is a place where we start to know each other. Starting from friends, then we become a classmate and roomate. Therefore, we become more closer and closer from day to day. Now, we proceed our study in Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Chemical) at the same university. Besides that, we have a lot of similarities and favourites like playing basketball and futsal. We also like to join the same outdoor activities like hiking, camping and kayaking. Other than that, we also love to fill our weekend with shopping! hahaha :) especially when we got MARA allowance. So like proverb says "A FRIEND in need, is a FRIEND indeed" is suitable to describe our friendship. Lastly, the quotes like Aristotle said "A true FRIEND is one soul in two bodies" shows that we are made and understand for each other.

Shopaholic friends

Alhamdulillah until now we are still together and hope our friendship will last until Jannah. InsyaAllah :)